Medical Misdiagnosis Claims Attorney in Macon, GA

doctor holding a tablet

Everyone makes mistakes, including doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Many of these mistakes do not lead to injury and do not equate to medical malpractice. But several mistakes do.

At Gautreaux Law, our leading personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers understand the difference between a simple error and act of medical malpractice. Especially when it comes to cases involving the failure to diagnose a medical condition, which led to improper care, treatment, and further injury—or even death. In these cases, we take all steps necessary to recover compensation for our clients to help them create a path forward in life.

If you believe you may have a valid medical malpractice claim against your doctor because he or she failed to diagnose your condition, contact the Gautreaux Law Firm today for a consultation. We charge no fees until we recover money for you.

Common Failure to Diagnose Cases

While the term “common” should not belong anywhere near anything having to do with medical errors, it is true that certain failed diagnostics appear more often than others. Those include a failure to diagnose a:

  • Heart Attack
  • Stroke 
  • Appendicitis
  • Cancer
  • Meningitis
  • Postoperative Complications

In a misdiagnosis case such as the ones listed above, a doctor failed to either fully evaluate a health condition or properly read the results of that evaluation. The result of either action: incorrect treatment—or no treatment at all—that led to worsened conditions. If these worsened conditions could have been prevented with proper evaluation and diagnosis, the patient is due compensation.

Financial Compensation in Failure to Diagnose Cases

The compensation you may receive in a successful case involving a failure to diagnose claim includes:

  • Medical bills (both past and future)
  • Lost wages (including past wages and loss of potential income)
  • Pain and suffering

You need to make sure you make a clear case for all types of compensation in your claim, or you may lose your right to them.

We Fight the Legal System So You Can Focus on Healing

We know that even considering taking on a lawsuit against a doctor or hospital seems intimidating. And it should because doctors and hospitals have teams of legal and insurance professionals who will fight tooth-and-nail to avoid having to pay out anything on your claim.

That doesn’t mean you have to be the one pushing your claim through the system. Instead, you turn to us—that’s why we’re here. We want you to be able to focus on your health, your family, and getting back to a happier life. We will take the legal troubles and fight the good fight against the insurance companies and legal departments. You deserve full compensation, and we will stop at nothing to get it for you.

Turn to Our Georgia Legal Team to File Your Failure to Diagnose Claim

If you believe you may have a valid medical malpractice claim against your doctor because he or she failed to diagnose your condition, contact us today to determine if you have a case. You may call us at 478-238-9758, or toll-free at 888-876-6935, or use our online contact form. We offer a free initial consultation and charge no attorney fees unless we obtain a recovery for you.

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Macon, GA 31201