Common Scenarios Of Dental Malpractice
Have you ever put off going to the dentist because of a phobia that prevents you from taking care of even routine matters like dental cleanings? This phobia may exist even if you have never had a bad experience going to your dental provider. What about when something does go wrong, though?...
Who is Liable In A Car Accident Involving A Student Driver?
Have you ever been in a situation where a student driver is on the road in front of you, and you hesitate to be close to this particular car? This feeling is undoubtedly a common human emotion when faced with an inexperienced driver uncomfortably near you on the road. This student could cause...
The Importance Of Documenting After A Car Accident
In Georgia, reporting a car accident is not just a legal obligation but a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of all parties involved. According to state law, drivers must report accidents that result in injury, death, or significant property damage to law enforcement. This requirement helps facilitate prompt...
Who Is Liable For An Accident In A Restaurant?
Have you ever witnessed a situation where a patron trips on a poorly visible or lit-up step when entering the door or going to their table in a restaurant? Or has this exact scenario happened to you? To claim compensation, the patron must prove that the restaurant staff knew about the poorly lit...
How Is Pain and Suffering Calculated In A Car Accident In Georgia?
How can you put a price on the pain and suffering that might accompany a severe car accident? Quantifying the objective and subjective damages that might arise from these accidents is complex. However, receiving compensation for this pain and suffering not only provides financial relief from these often traumatic events but...
Steps To Take After A Car Accident
Experiencing a car accident can be overwhelming, but knowing the necessary steps afterward can help ensure your safety and protect your rights. It is crucial to remain at the scene, check for injuries, and call 911 immediately after the accident. Gathering essential information from all parties involved, including insurance details and...
What Are Signs My Child Has Been Sexually Abused At School?
It is a topic that is even difficult to think about, but recognizing and acknowledging the signs of sexual abuse in children is crucial for their protection and well-being. In Georgia, as in other states, understanding these signs can help parents, caregivers, and educators identify and respond to potential abuse situations...
How to Get Car Accident Reports in Georgia
Car accidents can be overwhelming and disorienting, leaving you shaken and unsure of your next steps. Despite all of the confusion, it is important to obtain a police report as soon as possible. This document serves as an official record of the incident, providing essential details that can be...
Factors That Affect The Outcome Of A Car Accident Claim In Georgia
When filing a car accident claim in Georgia, the outcome can be influenced by several critical factors. Understanding these elements is essential for anyone involved in a collision. From the degree and certainty of fault and the extent of damages to the accuracy of the police report and the timeliness...
Explain The Right-Of-Way Laws In Georgia
Right-of-way laws in Georgia are designed to regulate the flow of traffic and ensure safety on the roads. Understanding these laws is crucial for drivers and pedestrians to avoid accidents and legal issues. It also helps to determine who was at fault and if you might have a case after an accident....