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Accident at Intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd in Macon, GA

Intersections along any busy street in Macon can be dangerous areas for motorists. Intersection accidents sometimes involve a driver who carelessly pulls out into oncoming traffic, causing a side-impact crash. Other times, a driver may be traveling too fast, causing the other motorist to misjudge how close the vehicle is. Several Injured in City Bus Accident in Macon On Thursday,

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A Simple Explanation of Georgia Personal Injury Law

Tort law is sometimes also known as personal injury law. A Tort is an act or omission that causes harm, or injury, to someone else or their property. A Personal Injury is when someone suffers any type of injury to their body, mind, emotions, or reputation. Under tort law, when the reckless, negligent, or intentional act or omission of someone

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