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What is a personal injury?

What is a Personal Injury? A personal injury is a physical injury that happens to a person instead of an injury to property.  For example, if you damage your back in an auto accident, you have a personal injury.  But if a tree falls on your car, that’s damage to property. What is a Personal Injury Claim? When a person

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Personal Injury from Drone Accident

With the Growing Popularity of Drones Comes an Increased Likelihood of Accidents and Personal Injuries

The popularity and use of unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, has exploded in recent years. With their increased use comes an increased concern for safety and privacy and a greater likelihood of someone suffering a personal injury as a result of a drone accident. Drones are used for many reasons: search & rescue, wildlife tracking, disaster response, etc., and have

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car wreck attorney macon ga

Uninsured Driver Hit by Insured Driver

If you were injured in a car wreck in Georgia that wasn’t your fault but were driving without insurance, can you file a lawsuit and recover money for your injuries? Not having an active insurance policy with the minimum liability coverage can result in penalties to the uninsured driver. However, if an uninsured driver is injured in an auto accident

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car accident social distancing

Car Accident While Social Distancing? Be Prepared and Know What to Do

A car accident is stressful at any time, but being in a car accident while social distancing adds a whole other level of concern. Our roads are less congested right now, and most people are sheltering at home, but we still must venture out for essential items, such as food, prescriptions, etc. Although traffic has decreased, there is still the

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pedestrian accident lawyer

Pedestrian Accidents

Macon’s big sidewalks downtown encourage walking, and like many other Maconites, I enjoy taking advantage of them when the weather is good.  Unfortunately, drivers sometimes don’t stop for pedestrians who have the right-of-way. While walking the other day, I was almost hit by an SUV while attempting to safely cross the street at a well-marked crosswalk. As I stepped into

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side impact crash

Hurt in a Car Wreck by an Uninsured Driver

Anyone in an auto accident, especially one caused by an uninsured driver, knows how difficult it can be to recover for injuries and property damage. Car wrecks involving an uninsured, at-fault driver may give the insurance adjuster an excuse to try to deny your claim. An experienced car wreck attorney who understands how to handle claims involving uninsured motorists can

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car accident witness

Car Accident Witnesses and Why They Are Important to Your Injury Case

When a car accident involves two or more vehicles and the only witnesses are the people involved in the accident, then it can sometimes be difficult to determine who was at fault. Having an unbiased, “third-party” witness, someone who saw the accident happen but who wasn’t involved in the accident, can be crucial to the success of car accident claims.

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