Bicycle on a crosswalk

Sharing the Roads – Determining Fault in Georgia’s Bicycle-Car Collisions

In Georgia, like in many places, bicyclists and motorists are expected to share the road responsibly and adhere to traffic laws designed to ensure safety for everyone. Road interaction between bicyclists and automobiles necessitates that both parties abide by specific rules. If they do not fulfill their responsibilities and an injury or...

Sharing the Roads – Determining Fault in Georgia’s Bicycle-Car Collisions Continue reading…
Young female driver coming out of her car

How Does Compensation Assurance and Uninsured Motorist Coverage Protect You In Times of Car Accidents?

When it comes to automobile insurance, Georgia residents are presented with crucial considerations, particularly when it comes to assurance compensation and uninsured motorist insurance. Assurance compensation in Georgia refers to the insurance company’s guaranteed financial coverage. The term “assurance compensation” is not standard in the insurance industry, but a closely related concept...

How Does Compensation Assurance and Uninsured Motorist Coverage Protect You In Times of Car Accidents? Continue reading…