Large Truck Accidents: When and Where They Happen

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Jarome Gautreaux


According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, in 2018 there were 121,000 truck accidents or bus crashes that resulted in injury. Of those accidents, 5,096 were involved in fatal crashes.

It’s impossible to predict if the next time you get behind the wheel of a car you’ll be involved in an accident with a commercial truck or bus. However, there is an extensive amount of data collected about car and truck crashes that helps determine where accidents involving large trucks are likely to occur and under what conditions.

When and where do most accidents involving large trucks occur?

Following is a summary of fatalities and injuries involving crashes with large trucks as reported in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s 2018 crash data.

Where Commercial Truck Accidents Happen

Although the fewest number of people live in rural areas, rural fatalities accounted for the highest percentage of fatalities, with speed being a factor. Rural roads accounted for 63% of fatalities, while urban roads accounted for 37%.

When Commercial Truck Accidents Occur

Most fatalities involving large trucks occurred Monday –Friday (83%) between 6am-6pm(64%). This is likely due to the fact that many large trucks make deliveries during weekday hours. The highest number of fatalities occurred between the hours of 12-3pm, with the least between 12am-3am.

Under What Conditions Accidents Occur

Speed Limit: Most fatalities, 33%, occurred when the posted speed limit was between 50-55 mph, with 60-65 mph being second at 21%.

Traffic Flow: 49% of fatalities and 32% of injury crashes happened on two-way roads, not divided.

Weather Conditions: 66% of fatal crashes and 71% of injury crashes occurred on clear days, with no rain, sleet, snow, fog or other weather-related obstructions.

Road Conditions: 82% of fatal crashes and 79% of injury crashes occurred on dry roads that weren’t icy, snowy, muddy or wet.

Large Truck Accident Attorneys in Macon, GA

When a large truck crashes into a passenger vehicle, the injuries are often catastrophic. We see multiple broken bones, compound fractures, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and death. There is often the need for ongoing medical treatment, an investigation and reconstruction of the accident, a life care plan, and more. This can be overwhelming for the injured person and their family. It is crucially important to reach out to attorneys who have the resources and experience with handling large truck accidents.

Professional representation from an experienced truck attorney is needed when dealing with truck wreck injury claims. If you’ve been injured in a crash involving a semi-truck you should contact a personal injury lawyer experienced with handling truck accidents to ensure that you are fully compensated for your injuries.

There is a difference between truck accidents and car accidents as pointed out in a previous blog: the difference between an ordinary car accident and one involving a large truck.

Consultations at Gautreaux Law are Free and Confidential and scheduled at your convenience. As always, we never charge our clients any fees or expenses unless we recover money for you. We want to take as much of the burden off of you as we can so that you or your loved one can focus on recovering.

Safety Tips to Follow to Help Prevent Being Involved in a Tractor-Trailer Accident

Whenever traveling, please be aware of your surroundings and give large trucks plenty of space. Again, you cannot predict an accident, but you can be aware of when most occur and take extra precautions to stay safe in those conditions.

The Georgia DOT keeps track of the average number of trucks traveling throughout the state of Georgia.

  • Most large trucks in Georgia travel along I-75 and I-285 in Atlanta.
  • In Bibb County, on average, over 9,100 trucks will travel the short stretch of I-475 each day. That’s over 379 trucks per hour.
  • Most accidents involving large trucks happen Monday thru Friday during daytime hours.
  • If possible, we should avoid roads with heavily populated trucks during peak accident hours.
  • Don’t follow large trucks too closely. If you can’t see a truck’s side mirrors, the truck driver can’t see you.
  • Do not try to pass a truck on the right side when that truck is turning right. Trucks must swing wide to the left in order to make a right turn. They may not see you if you’re passing them on the right.
  • To properly pass a large truck or bus on the highway, accelerate slightly and maintain a consistent speed. Wait until you see the entire cab in your rearview mirror before you signal and pull over.
  • Don’t cut in front of a truck or bus. Large trucks and buses need more distance to stop. If you cut in front of a truck, the truck may not be able to stop in time or may be forced to stop too quickly, resulting in a serious or fatal accident.
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About The Author

Jarome Gautreaux is a personal injury trial lawyer. He represents people who have been seriously injured, as well as the families of people killed because of carelessness or negligence. For over 20 years, he has successfully recovered more than 100 million dollars in a variety of Macon personal injury cases. Jarome’s reputation for client focus and case success has led to other lawyers requesting his assistance with complex personal injury litigation. What drives Jarome every day is his strong belief that the amount of money someone has should not dictate the justice they receive. It is for this reason that he has never worked for corporations, insurance companies, or other interest groups. Instead, he thrives on helping the people who need it most- people who have suffered at the hands of others and deserve compensation.

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